As a regional reseller of Basler AG, you can choose from hundreds of types of machine vision cameras in our web store, which with their special functions and wide-ranging parameters are the solution for most image processing tasks. We provide full customer support during your purchase to help you find the model that best suits your needs, and we’re happy to help you integrate your devices. In case of more complex problems, with the help of our partners, we undertake the design and implementation of individual systems, as well as comprehensive advice on issues related to the field of machine vision.
Our company has been supporting projects based on camera and video technology for more than ten years, distributing the necessary specialized hardware devices, consulting and related development services.

Problem identification, audit
We have already encountered a “deadlock” in many projects, a deadlock that the development team alone could not successfully resolve. In this case, we can support our partners with technology consulting, auditing and participation in problem solving. The way to do this is sometimes completely unique, but in general, auditing the entire technological range of the project can yield good results, in which we go through the applied procedures, the reasons behind the choice of the procedure (why this technology was chosen), possible options, alternatives and their application. costs and requirements. All in all, this allows for the identification of bottlenecks and can typically point to blind spots in development / design, possible decisions that have been treated as a basis in design, but can actually be modified even as a result of progress.
The result of the process is an ideal, improved solution by the end of the audit, in addition to which the summarized technological elements, conclusions, options and possibilities are summarized in the form of a study. The time required for the process can vary widely, but in any case it can only be successful with the involvement of the development team and the partial commitment of internal development resources.